Discover curated fashion
Discover curated fashion
Specialized in high-end fashion brands, bags and accessories, Grey Labelz Fashion Group can provide you with an easy access to selected goods at competitive prices for both premium buys (Omnichannel) and flash sales (Grey Labelz).
Top brands
Reliable service
Grey Labelz Fashion Group has a strong international supply chain and distribution network. We connect over 200 brands and manufacturers with our buying partners globally.
Stock accesses
Our strength lies in our focus on sourcing the right brands for our customers. Grey Labelz Fashion Group product lines suit all our clients’ needs. We can provide you with the right brand for competitive prices.
Substantial buying power
Grey Labelz Fashion Group is your strong financial partner in business. We have the ability to buy and sell fast, offering agile payment solutions.

GLOBAL network
We are leading distributors in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and CIS. Grey Labelz Fashion Group’s headquarters are located in Germany, with additional buying offices in Italy,
France and the US.